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The Official Opening of the Major Music Studio

Sunday 24th September, the Major Music Studio in Llantwit Major was opened. A dream come true for co-founders Phil and Dave. Working in partnership with the Vale of Glamorgan Youth Service, Major Music over the past two years have invested immense amounts of energy and enthusiasm in moving ahead with the building of this fantastic resource.
Major Music received huge support from Creative Rural Communities, the Vale Council led regeneration partnership. Creative Rural Communities secured a £77,000 European "Article 33" grant from the Council and the Welsh Assembly Government.

Phil Kirkham [Left] the Treasurer and Co-founder paid tribute to all those who have been associated with the project in recent years, making particular reference to the dedication and commitment of its mentors/volunteers and sessional workers - and the young people who have attended the project and many of the events which it has held.
Click Here for a special programme by Ed Risby
On the right is Dave Roberts, Chairman and Co-founder Of Major Music.
The project has additionally received valuable support from businesses, organisations and individuals and prominent amongst them Roland (UK) Ltd, MITIE Engineering Services, COS - the Complete Office Solution, nPower Aberthaw Power Station and Filco supermarket.
Principal Youth Officer for the Vale of Glamorgan Council, Bob Fussell commented "The Vale of Glamorgan applauds the work of Major Music in the establishment of this new studio, which will focus on the talents and creative skills of young people. This studio is the culmination of over five years work by a small band of dedicated adults who are committed to the provision of musical opportunities to young people in the area and the wider rural Vale. Young people attending the weekly sessions at the youth centre identified the need for a studio - now they will have a new high tech facility of which they can be justifiably proud...".
The opening of the studio on the 24th September will now give the opportunity to those supporters and both former and current members of the project to see the studio in action and also meet the Major Music team.

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